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Why NMR?


So, you caught us. NMR did not originally stand for "New Leaders. More Service. Real Change". It actually stood for "naked mole rat" . But why??  It seems pretty pointless that people would start a club based off of a hairless rodent... but there is an actual explaination and it makes for quite a funny story of the foundation of our club.


Parisa, the club's founder, thought it would be funny to send this picture of a naked mole rat to all of her friends. So she started a group message, and everything just rolled from there.


"NMR was so random. Parisa just put me in this group message of about ten people whom I  had rarely ever even talked to before. But she just insisted that we all have conversation. It died out for a little while, but  Eventually I had actually made friends with these people and we were having hilarious conversations and inviting other people to join us." - Ashtyn 


We decided to have "group message bonding". So, we got together at Panera and  that very sunday morning at brunch, we decided this was going to be something more than just a joke. The funniest thing about this picture,  is that we aren't even sure that is a naked mole rat!



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